Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Don't read if you are immature.. Seriously..

Why do we ((sleep)) in [[school]],
But stay ((awake)) through a [[3 hourmovie]]?

Why is it so ((hard)) to talk about[[God]],
but so ((easy)) to talk about [[sex]]?

Why are we so ((bored)) when we look at a [[Christian magazine]],
but find it ((easy)) to read [[Playboy]]?

Why is it so easy to ((ignore)) a [[Godly]] bebo bulletin,
Yet we ((repost)) the [[nasty]] ones?

Why are ((churches)) getting [[smaller]],
But ((bars and clubs)) are [[expanding]]?

Why is it so easy to purchase {beer} and {drugs}?
But so hard to donate 25 cents for a {Charity}?

Why is it so easy to worship a {Celebrity}?
But very difficult to engage with {God}?

Think about it, are you going to repost this?
Are you going to ignore it,cause you think you'll get laughed at?
Repost this as "dont read if u r immature ....seriously"80 % of you wont repost this.

The Lord said: If you deny Me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of My Father..

Got this post from a friend's blog.. Think about it..

Monday, April 21, 2008


Last week i had attended Bethel's family camp. The title of the camp is ' Teach us how to pray'.
This camp has struck me. Let me share something that I have learned in this camp.

( Driven to pray)
Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. Mark 1:12
This verse show that Jesus was drive to pray. So, are we driven to pray? Driven is what we would do every single day and constantly, not fitfully. Many people do not drive to pray. If we not driven to pray, slowly we will stop praying after some times. Therefore, we need to make prayer as the most natural thing in our life. When we encounter something in our life, the first thing come to us is prayer. If we want to make ourselves driven to pray, we need to touch our feeling. We are unable to pray for somebody or something without any feeling. Beside that, we also need the Spirit of God to help us because we won't be driven on our own, we have to work with Spirit of God and Spirit of God will helps us.

There are many things will block us to pray, demon will try what ever he can to stop us pray.
So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Luke 5:16
This show that Jesus prayed oftenly. So we also need to pray oftenly.
Luke 11.1
Jesus didn't teach his disciples to pray until they asked him how to pray. We need to have the desire to pray. We would not pray if we dont have that desire. Have you ever asked God how to pray? we have to really learn desire to pray.

Hypocrisy is a severe problem of prayer as well.
Matthew 6:7 said that when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. God would not interested in these prayer that have been repeated again and again. Moreover, prayer is about the whole relationship with God. We can build a good relationship between us and our father. As God is our father, we need to be polite when we pray to God and learn how to respect our father. We also need to practise our prayer everyday.

Prayer must be followed by action. So, say less and pray more. A feeling has to be aroused to be pray. Driven lead to determination. Do we have the determination to pray? Do we concentrate in our prayer? If we have the determination, our concentration will be increase by second to a second.

Discernment will bring us wisdom. Daniel 2:21 - he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. We have to seek God in prayer.

We have to work hard in our prayer life. Do not say we cannot make it. We have to believe that power of God is working in ME. Are you believe this in all your heart?

These is part of the thing that i have learned. Will share the other in the next post. Hope you all understand what i am trying to convey.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


看了这篇文章的标题, 有没有一种我要和某人分离的感觉? 哈哈.. 其实.. "你"是指撒旦..

干嘛我会无缘无故说起它呢? 刚刚看了我干儿子的部落格.. 有感而发.. 他发现最近每个人都很忙.. 连他自己也是.. 嗯.. 我也忘了他是怎样发现的.. 他发现其实使人忙碌也是魔鬼的技俩.. 它很成功的让人因为忙碌而没时间或忘记敬拜神, 与神亲近..

为了三餐温饱.. 没有缺乏金钱烦恼.. 人.. 忘记了神.. 或把爱我们的神挤出头等舱了..

不过.. 神还是爱着我们的.. 耶稣在两千多年前为我们死在十字架上.. 他的宝血洗净我们以前和现在的罪.. 既是这样.. 只要我们向他承认我们的过犯.. 求神的灵再次管理我们的生命..这是神所喜悦的..

最后.. 我要大声的说:

走吧! 撒旦! 我要把你赶出我的生活.. 因为我根本不需要你.. 我不会再让你有机可乘..

Sunday, April 13, 2008







耶稣进前来, 对他们说:"天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了, 所以你们要去, 使万民做我的门徒, 奉父子圣灵的名给他们施洗, 凡我所吩咐你们的, 都要教训他们遵守, 我就常与你们同在, 直到世界的末了."

虽然不久前才知道神的这命令是给每一个基督徒的, 不过还不算太迟..
但愿你也和我一样.. 已经拥有协助完成大使命, 就是让全世界的人都有机会听到福音的异象..

不信的话.. 请尝试吧!

如果你有这方面的负担.. 可以联络我.. 我很愿意帮助你..

把我们身边的朋友, 家人, 亲戚带进神的国吧!
我相信你也不愿意一个人独自在天堂享受.. 而让你身边最亲的人在地域被火焚烧吧?