Friday, June 19, 2009

Love Is The Proof That God Changed My Life.

"If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to eternal life. But a person who has no love is still dead." 1 John 3:14 (NLT)

Love for Mary . . . love for his God, both simultaneously motivated Joseph to act. A carpenter by trade, his sandaled feet straddled the dirt of the ninety miles necessary to enroll in the census decreed by the Roman ruler, Caesar Augustus. Tenderly caring for her needs, without that love, Mary might have never reached Bethlehem alive! When we are outside of love, we are outside of the will of God, no matter how justified we feel. We read in 1 John 3:14 that "if our life has been changed, it will be proven by the love we show towards others." Most of us would deny the fact that we hate anyone because hate is such a strong term. But the truth is, if we do not actively exercise the love of God toward the people around us, we express hate towards them.

I have seen people in the ministry brutally criticize, step on others, and defame those with whom they work in order to accomplish their ministry goals, as if God's call was solely to build a big ministry. We must understand, however, it is never right to disrespect people, no matter how just the cause. Even though offenses come, we must be certain that they do not come through our hands.

If we do not strive to walk in love with the people around us, we prove that our lives have yet to be touched by God. Without love, whatever we do in the end results in destruction and failure. Without such love, the world might not have seen the Savior's birth. Jesus said it like this: "You will know them by their love..." The question you must ask yourself is: do others know me by my love?

Daily Confession
Father, I thank You that I prove I am changed by the love I show towards my brothers and sisters. I imitate You and love others as You love me.

by Robb Thompson

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